duminică, 19 decembrie 2010

[Difference between formulas and functions]

Formulas = equations that perform calculations on values in our worksheet
Functions predefined formulas that perform formulas that perform calculations by using specific values, called arguments in a particular order or structure
In every calculation the mathematical operators and also the parenthesis are very important
Every function has arguments also known as parameters. Very few functions don’t have this type of parameters. Most of the functions have one required argument and also can have aoptional arguments that are indicated by the square brackets

sâmbătă, 18 decembrie 2010

[Tracing cell references]

Tracing cell references is very useful in a complex worksheet in which formulas are piled on top of one another and the results os some formulas are computed into other formulas, so this option gives us the opportunity to get a better idea of how our worksheet is constructed.

vineri, 17 decembrie 2010

[Error messages]

Sometimes something regarding using formulas can go wrong and an error message will appear, but there is no reason to be worried, because again Excell will help us to fix it.
First of all, we can figure it out by the error message that appears in the cell where the formula is (a text that has in from an #). The most common messages are :DIV/O, N/A, NAME, NULL, REF, VALUE. Or more useful for us can be the error checker from the Formulas tab – Error Checking Button.

miercuri, 15 decembrie 2010

[Copying formulas from cell to cell]

In a worksheet we usually have to make a lot of calculation. Excel can make our job easier than we imagine by just copying a formula to a new cell (drag the Autofill handle across the cells to which  you want to copy the formula) and we don’t have to worry about the values, because Excel adjusts the cell references in the formula so that the formula works in the cells t which it has been copied, all by itself.

marți, 14 decembrie 2010

[Use in Formula button]

So...if we have to make a lot of difficult calculations, but all our information is spitted in several worksheet the Use in Formula button will save us from a lot of headaches (this type of button can be used only after doing the firsts step, which is naming the cells range).
This button will help us to use informations not from a single worksheet, but from all the worksheets of the workbook.

marți, 7 decembrie 2010

[Naming cell ranges]

Naming cell ranges, so that we can use them in formulas:
·         First of all we have to select the cells that we want to name
·         After that, on the formula tab, click  the Define Name Button
·         Enter a specific name in the Name box
·         And finally, on the Scope drop-down list, we choose Workbook or a Worksheet name
We can also add a descriptive comment for the range name, such that we can rememeber the type of information the cell hold.
After that we can actually use the cell range name in a formula (or simply press F3, even more quickly is to open the Name box drop-down list and choose a name)
If we decide later that we want to change the name of the cell, or simply  we do not need it anymore, all we have to do is to click the Name Manager button on the Formulas Tab.